Kosakata adalah salah satu aspek bahasa yang harus
dipelajari. Belajar kosa kata ini penting karena kita mampu berbicara, menulis,
dan mendengarkan dengan baik pertama kita harus tahu kosakata . Seseorang
dikatakan "tahu kata" jika mereka dapat mengenali maknanya ketika
mereka melihatnya. Dalam mempelajari kosa kata, orang akan mengalami
perkembangan setiap tahun sesuai dengan usia mereka. Dalam peran sosial dan
cara pembahasan yang terjadi di masa dewasa, dalam kosa kata ada perkembangan
lebih lanjut di luar masa kecil dengan orang dewasa terus menambahkan kata-kata
baru untuk kosa kata mereka melalui membaca, pekerjaan, dan kegiatan lainnya. bagaimanapun,
Periode utama untuk pengembangan konseptual, adalah pada anak usia dini. Sementara
itu, untuk pelajar Indonesia yang belajar bahasa Inggris sebagai salah satu
bahasa asing yang diajarkan di sekolah, mereka memiliki kata-kata terbatas atau
kosa kata yang mereka sekarang atau memahami bahasa. Oleh karena itu, tanggung
jawab guru bahasa Inggris untuk menemukan strategi yang tepat atau metode untuk
mengajarkan kosakata karena keberhasilan dan kegagalan belajar mengajar
tergantung pada strategi atau metode yang digunakan oleh guru dalam menyajikan
bahan. PAIKEM (Pembelajaran Aktif, Inovatif, Kreatif, Efektif Dan Menyenangkan)
adalah pengajaran strategi, yang dapat mendorong siswa untuk melakukan banyak
kegiatan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan, sikap dan pemahaman dengan
mengutamakan belajar dengan melakukan. Ini berarti bahwa penggunaan model
pembelajaran PAIKEM sebagai diharapkan dapat mendukung kompetensi siswa
berdasarkan tujuan kurikulum.
Language is one of the most effective means of
communication. Through language, people communicate with one another; transfer
messages and exchange information. Dissemination of science and technology,
culture and art is made possible through language. Today, one of the
international languages is English. In Indonesia, English is learnt as a
foreign language. It means that English is only spoken by particular people
whose profession demands the English mastery as a communication instrument.
Since English as international and scientific
language, it is very important to learn English in globalization era nowadays.
In Indonesia, English is taught at schools from elementary schools up to
universities. Apart from formal education, English is also taught in private
courses outside of school. It is expected that all of the students in Indonesia
can master English. The English mastery should involve four major language
skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Beside the students should master four language
skills; namely listening, speaking, reading and writing, they also should
master English language components such as grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation
an spelling. One of language components that is very important to be mastered
and learnt by the students is vocabulary. It is because communication in any
language is impossible without some mastery of the words used in that language.
In other words, it is impossible for people especially learners to communicate
with others, to comprehend something spoken or written or to write something
without mastering or acquiring the language they use. Furthermore, vocabulary
is one of the basic elements to get successful in learning comprehension
because limited vocabulary will cause difficulties in learning English.
Most of the English teachers see that the result of
teaching vocabulary is not significant yet. Many students of senior high school
get difficulties in learning vocabulary. The students at senior high school
also find difficulties when they want to improve their English vocabulary
without some understanding the aims of the text or when doing conversation or
doing some commands. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the English teacher
to find appropriate strategy or method to teach vocabulary because the
successful and the failure of teaching and learning depend on the strategy or
method used by the teachers in presenting the materials. So, it is clear that
the teacher plays important role in teaching and
learning process. Lozanov (1980) said that pengaruh guru sangat jelas dalam
kesuksesan siswa. In this case Porter (2002) agrees that guru sebagai penggubah
keberhasilan siswa. The students will develop their ability, potential,
skill, and interest when the teachers are capable to guide and motivate them.
In addition, Hamalik (2001) states that Ketika di kelas, sebenarnya guru
dituntut tidak hanya sebagai pentransfer of knowledge tetapi juga mampu
memerankan diri sebagai pewaris nilai, pembimbing, fasilitator, rekan kerja,
model, direktur, dan motivator.
Those opinions don’t mean that the teacher
dominates all of teaching and learning activities; the students are still the
centre and the learning subjects in teaching and learning process. The teacher
is only learning agent. According to PP No. 19 tahun 2005 pasal 28, yang
dimaksud dengan pendidik sebagai agen pembelajaran (learning agent) pada
ketentuan ini adalah peran pendidik antara lain sebagai fasilitator, motivator,
pemacu dan pemberi inspirasi bagi peserta didik. So, to develop students’
ability especially in their English vocabulary, the teacher needs to apply a
good strategy or a good method in teaching the material.
In relation with teaching strategy, the
government of Indonesia had introduced PAIKEM in the last 2007. Its
implementation has been promoted in education of Indonesia. According to PP No.
19 Tahun 2005 Pasal 19 ayat 1 in Ismail (2008: 49): Proses pembelajaran pada satuan pendidikan diselenggarakan secara
interaktif, inspiratif, menyenangkan, memotivasi peserta didik untuk
berpartisipasi aktif serta memberi ruang yang cukup bagi prakarsa, kreativitas,
dan kemandirian sesuai dengan bakat, minat, dan perkembangan fisik serta
psikologi peserta didik.
It is the base description of PAIKEM.
According to Ismail (2008: 46) PAIKEM merupakan singkatan dari Pembelajaran
Aktif, Inovatif, Kreatif, Efektif, dan Menyenangkan. PAIKEM is a teaching
strategy which can encourage students to do different activities in developing
their skills, attitude, and comprehension. This teaching strategy focuses on
learning by doing. The teacher can use teaching aids and environment as learning
resource to make teaching and learning is more interesting, effective and
Generally, the illustration of PAIKEM is as follows:
Students engage in various activities that develop their understanding and
ability with an emphasis on learning through doing.
Teachers use various tools and how to awaken the spirit, including the
environment as a source of learning to make learning interesting, fun, and
suitable for students.
Teachers set the class by displaying the books and learning materials more
attractive and provide a "reading corner".
Teachers implement a more cooperative way of teaching and interactive,
including group learning.
Teachers encourage students to find their own way in solving a problem, to
express his ideas, and involving students in creating a school environment. (Depdiknas in
Sudrajat, 2008)
B. Definition of Teaching
Teaching is a process where the teachers transfer
their skill, knowledge, and experience to their students. A teacher who is
going to teach students in front of the classroom requires a good knowledge of
a specific field.
According to Brown (2001:7), teaching may be
defined as showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instruction,
guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge causing to know or
understand. In another part, Gagne in Brown (2001:7) says that teaching is
guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the
conditions for learning.
Based on the statement above, teaching means giving
instruction to the students to learn something which affect them in such a way
that learning is facilitated and the students can acquire knowledge. Teacher
plays as a facilitator and motivator.
Furthermore, Brown (1994:120) states that foreign
language contexts are those in which students do not have readymade contexts
for communication beyond their classroom. In Indonesia, English is taught as
Foreign Language. In the country which placed English as foreign language, like
Indonesia, students may obtainable through language clubs, special media
opportunities, books, or an occasional tourist.
Brown also states that communicative language
teaching in English as foreign language context is clearly a greater challenge
for students and teachers. Classroom hours are sometimes the only hours of the
day when students are exposed to English. Therefore, the languages that present
model, elicit, and treat takes on great important.
In Teaching and learning process, Teacher has to
know the student’s achievement that can be reached after given the material. So
the teacher can design an effective and successful teaching. The measurement of
successful teaching and learning process can be seen from the student’s achievement
during and after teaching and learning process. According to Wilga (1968:11),
what the factors in your local which will be help you decide the principle
objective on your language teaching. So if the teacher measure from the aspects
of teaching and learning process and it is just a little bit of the achievement
reached, he/she can anticipate it and finds out of the trouble factors and
gives solution to the students.
From the explanation above, the writer concludes
that a good teaching must be through diagnosis, preparation, guidance,
evaluating and follow up so all of them give a condition an effective teaching
and learning process. The teacher ought to develop skills and experience of the
language knowledge before transferring to the students and also the teacher
must skill to increase motivation to encourage students and gives solution in
solving of the difficulties found in teaching and learning process.
C. Teaching Vocabulary
We use vocabulary in our daily communication. We
use it to express our opinions, ideas, views, criticism, and also to express
our feeling. Vocabulary is a list of words or phrases of a language, technical
field or some specialized area, usually arranged in alphabetical order and
often provided with brief definition and with foreign translation. Cameron. It
means that in learning vocabulary we have to know the meaning of it and also
understand and can use it in sentence context. According to Red John (2000: 16)
vocabulary is knowledge involves knowing the meanings of words and therefore
the purpose of a vocabulary test in to find out whether the learners can match
each word with a synonym, a dictionary – tape definition, or an equivalent word
in their own language.
To master vocabulary knowledge, it is not merely by
looking up words in a dictionary or using them in sentence but it needs a
process in expanding and depending over the course of a lifetime. Vocabulary
plays important role in developing students’ English skill mastery. So it is
necessary for the students to learn vocabulary well.
Furthermore, vocabulary is the basic element to
master, because communication in any languages is impossible without some
mastery of the words use in that language. In other words, it is impossible for
the people, especially learner to communicate with other, to comprehend
something spoken or written or to write something without mastering the
language they use. The richer vocabulary mastery is the bigger possibility of
our language skill mastery.
Vocabulary is the important element in foreign
language learning because of its involvement in four basic language skills
namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. Teaching vocabulary means
teaching the students how to use vocabulary to convey their ideas, opinion,
knowledge and also their feeling. It is a process in which teacher gives some
new words to the students and help them to recognize, pronounce, practice and
remember the words easily.
From the statements above, it is clear that a
teacher must first teaching to the students the meaning, definition,
description, spelling, and pronunciation of the words. As the teacher wants the
students to remember a new vocabulary, he/she has to make a sure that the
students can understand the word given. And then a teacher must make sure that
the new words are better remembered in a memorable way.
According to Haycraft (1986: 47), before presenting
vocabulary in class, it is helpful to remember the following things:
1. Whenever possible, teach the words in spoken
form first, and only when students can pronounce them well, introduce the
written form. Otherwise, students will always try and pronounce English words
as if they were written in their own language, and it will be difficult for the
teacher to break this.
2. Try to present new words in context.
3. Revision is essential. Blend words that have
been presented into letter practice.
Based on the explanation above, the writer
concludes that before the teacher presents vocabulary in class, it is better to
teach the word in spoken form first before in written form, presenting new
words in context and making revision.
Nation (2003: 135-141) states that there are four
principles for teaching vocabulary, they are as follows:
Focus on the most useful vocabulary first
The first principle looked at
what words to teach and learn. Based on this principle teaching useful
vocabulary before less vocabulary gives learners the best return for their
learning effort.
The most useful vocabulary
that every English language learner needs whether they use the language for
listening, speaking, reading, or writing, or whether they use the language in
formal and informal situations, is the most frequent 100 word families of
English, the second 1000 words of English and the academic word list, technical
vocabulary, low frequency words, and high frequency words. Learners need to
learn low frequency words but, except for special needs, they are best learned
after the high frequency words are known. To cope well in English, a second
language learner would need around 5,000 words and preferably 10,000 words.
Focus on the vocabulary in the most appropriate way
should give attention to high frequency words and should focus on the
strategies for dealing with low frequency words. The four most important
vocabulary learning strategies are by using word parts, guessing from context,
using word cards, and using dictionaries. Those strategies help learners deal
with low frequency words. In addition high frequency words are also so
important to learn. The ways to help learners deal with high frequency words
are as follows:
Directly teaching high frequency words.
Getting learners to read and listen to graded readers containing these
Getting learners to study the words and do exercise based on them.
Getting learners to speak and write using the words.
Give attention to the high frequency words across the four strands of a course.
It is should get deliberate
attention through teaching and studying and should be met and used in
communicating messages in listening, speaking, reading and writing. High
frequency vocabulary should also be fluently accessible for receptive and
productive use.
Encourage learners to reflect on and take responsibility for learning
There is an important
principle that lies behind choosing and learning that is learners need to
realize that they must be responsible for their own learning. Taking this
responsibility requires (1) knowledge of what to learn and range of options for
learning vocabulary, (2) skill in choosing the best options, and (3) the
ability to monitor and evaluate progress with those options. Unless learners
take control, the course will not be as effective for them. Teacher can help
them do this in the following ways:
Inform the learners of the different types of vocabulary.
Train the learners in the various ways of learning so that they are very
familiar with the range of learning option available for them.
Provide genuine opportunities for choosing what to learn and how to learn.
Provide encouragement and opportunity for learners to reflect on their learning
and to evaluate it.
D. Conclusion
The success of students in mastering vocabulary is
much influenced by the way they learnt and method or strategy used by the
teachers in presenting the materials. English teachers have a variety of
methodological options to choose. They can choose methods or strategy and
materials according to the needs of students, the preferences of the teachers,
and the constraints of school and educational setting. Methods or strategy
appear to be base on very different views of what language is and how a
language is learned.
The teacher can use teaching aids and
environment as learning resource to make teaching and learning is more
interesting, effective and enjoyable. Teaching means giving instruction to the
students to learn something which affect them in such a way that learning is
facilitated and the students can acquire knowledge. Teacher plays as a
facilitator and motivator. The writer suggest to all English teacher to use
PAIKEM as strategy in teaching vocabulary.
Brown.H, Douglass. 2001. Teaching by Participles
an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy Strategies of Reading.
Longman: A Person Education company.
Departement pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2004. Standar
Kompetensi Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Jakarta: Depdikbud.
Napa, A Pieter. 1991. Vocabulary Development
Skills. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.
Wallace, J. Michael. 1982. Teaching Vocabulary. London:
Briddles. Ltd.
PP No. 19 tahun 2005 Bab IV Pasal 19 ayat 1
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